"Gaia"- guidelines - 'the joy of living' - as recommended by Here's Health
(one of the leading
UK natural health magazines)

review - august 00 issueRelax, meditate and enjoy life to the full by starting with the simple things that make us all appreciate the art of living.

Effortlessly you will find the way to realise your personal dreams of happiness, peace, success and the all-important 'joy of living'. Use this video whenever you wish to create a natural and peaceful environment for you to relax, dream and rejuvenate

- within this programme a section on meditations includes eight separate units created around various sounds and images. These units can be used separately for specific requirements, or all together as a complete meditation programme. Arrange a simple and pleasing space around your TV, sit comfortably, breathe deeply and with ease - set your worries and daily stress aside with the help of the images on screen, and drift away with the soothing mix of natural rhythms.

- When you are completely relaxed and receptive, let your personal dreams, images or feelings of joy fill your consciousness while absorbing the soothing sounds and imagery on screen. Don't force this process; allow your natural wisdom to work for you. Feel free to create and feel your personal vision of joyful living. A short meditation unit can be enough to get in tune with yourself and the positive energies of life.

- To solve a problem or to benefit from a good night sleep watch the meditation section of this video before going to bed. Before commencing clarify the burning questions on mind, and allow yourself a brief period to ponder the situation(s), present a possible solution and then prepare yourself for a good night sleep ... forget your worries, watch the meditation section, and then retire to bed. Solutions will emerge soon enough, even if you need to repeat the process the following evening - don't give up, it does work!

- To develop your artistic and creative gifts, and connect with the artist and healer within, enjoy the calm and holistic qualities of this meditative and poetic video programme accompanied by the music of the popular sound healer Tim Wheater who inspired the best-selling book 'The Artist Way'. Choose a motif such as the motion and hues of the sea and waves, or the sunlight dance and shades and let it inspire you to dance freely, light a candle for hope, love and reflection, write a poem, invent a story or create a painting.
Simply relaxing and enjoying the special atmosphere that GAIA offers will make you feel a lot better.